Thursday, September 2, 2010

Turning old belts into Flowers

This project idea came to me when I looked at a dress in my closet. Its okay, but I felt it just needed a little something.
My dress came with a fabric belt. While looking around in my closet I found a lot of fabric belts. Very rarely do I wear a fabric belt. Why I keep them, I have know idea.
Today however they are perfect for this project. So gather your old belts and lets craft.
If you don't have belts, scrap fabric works great too. If you are using scrap fabric, cut a strip and fold it in half.
Start wrapping your fabric. It will start to form a rose bud. You need to tack the back of your flower as you wrap.
I used scrap fabric for the center of my flower and the dress belt for the outside of my flower.
My first flower is finished.
When making this belt flower I pleated as I was wrapping and stitching. It made a more open flower.
You can make your flowers as buds, roses or loose and frilly. I used a bead in the center of one of my flowers. There are so many options, be creative.
 You can do anything with these little flowers. Make them into pins,clips headbands,and of course jewelry.
Have fun creating flowers.

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