Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tips and Tools-How to make a Funnel

Yesterday was a beautiful day so I packed my beach gear and started towards my boat. 
Before I got to the dock I remembered something very important.
 My gas tanks were low. I am on an island with no gas station and no extra gas. 
What's a girl to do?
I have two gas tanks with a little fuel in them. I need to combined the two, this will give me enough gas to get me were I want to go.
  So,,,, I need a funnel. No funnel. I'll have to make one.
Here is how I made my funnel. 
I found a plastic bottle in my frig, emptied the liquid.
( This was more important then a little soda water after all.)
I cut off the top third of the bottle. Now I have a funnel. That was easy!
Now I am going to need a little help transferring the gas from one tank to the other.
 My wonderful husband Jay volunteered for the job.
So I held the funnel as Jay carefully pored the gas out of one tank and into the other.
Problem solved, into my boat I go, onto the next adventure.

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