Thursday, July 12, 2012

It's all about Dreaming Big - Winterthur

Dream big and then share those dreams
with others.
 Look around you, it all started with a dream.
What are you sitting on? What are I looking at?
What am I typing on? What counry do you live in?
Are you Free? Think about your dreams as I share
 one man's dream with you. 
This tree stands in a open meadow today
because Henry Francis du Pont had a dream.
Because of one man's love for nature and his desire
 for generations after him to witness the beauty of nature,
we can see over a 1,000 acres of rolling meadows and woodlands.
60 -acres at Winterthur are a naturalistic garden.
Henry Francis du Pont had a vision
and spent his life making it come true.
"DuPont translated his love of the land into a unified
work of art that embodies a romantic vision
of nature and beauty."
His dreams did not stop with his love of nature.
 Henry Francis du Pont dreamt of turning his childhood home
 into a museum of American Decorative Arts.
We now have the ability to explore American Decorative
Arts because Henry Francis du Pont saw the importance in 
preserving a piece of Americana. 
His collection of nearly
 90,000 objects made and used in America
 between 1640 and 1860 are displayed in his 175 room house.
I am just an outsider looking in. I do not 
know all there is to know of this man.
Henry Francis du Pont did not have to share
 his dreams with me. 
He did not even know I would see
the places he once walked. 
While strolling though this
enchanting place I wanted everyone to see
 and experience what I was fortunate enough to experience firsthand. 
I can not help but think 
Henry Francis du Pont felt just the same way

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