Saturday, June 8, 2013

Driftwood Mirror - Connecting Pieces

Connecting Pieces
is not just about making one of a kind
objects. It is about sharing, loving the
old, finding a purpose for the discarded
and showing the connection between
nature and the life we walk.
Time has worn away
the bark of this tree and transformed what once was
green and lush into something very different
yet beautiful. 
It's molded smooth edges show 
 the evolution of time,
  leaving silver streaks of wisdom. 
Though no longer planted 
the years of drifting and tumbling
through rough and calm waters
 have given it immense strength.
It is now entwined with
other beautiful pieces, showing stability
having experienced
much of life yet having so much
more to give.
This Driftwood Mirror
now lives with one of my dear friends,

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