Thursday, January 2, 2014

Art Bottles - Sculpture - Beautiful Trash

Being passionate about nature,
 enjoying the hunt for a beautiful antique,
 getting a kick out of stumbling across something
broken and recreating it to become
wonderfully new, 
the journey of life,
all of this has brought me to this place of discovery,
Connecting Pieces.
Is it trash or treasure?
These objects, broken and discarded,
possibly once loved and cherished.
I can not help but pick these pieces up
and as I hold each broken piece
 I find myself wondering what it's story is.
I found the base of this sculpture 
while walking along the beach in front of our home.
It is the top of a 1800's hand blown glass bottle. 
The shell was found by my husband. 
He brought it home to me after being on
an adventure with some of his friends. 
These two pieces, such an unlikely pair,
now embrace and captivate.
Showing life's cycle,
although we are broken we can
become new again.
Vintage crystals and beach glass
come together to make this beautiful
Art Bottle.
Beach glass does not always show
the sands of time, especially on the West Coast of Florida
where the beaches are of fine white sand.
So when I find that occasional etched piece
of beach glass I want to show it off.
Perched high on a flower
made of two silver candle holders
and vintage crystals you will see
a crystal butterfly lighting on
the blue corona of the flower.
The next time you see the broken
try to remember what it once was 
and what it could be again.
 It will never be the same
but it is possible it could become magnificent.

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