Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall Table

 Fall is my favorite time of year.
 I love the change of season. Crisp clean air, beautiful colors floating, spinning,drifting... STOP!
Okay,I will have to make do. I'm on an island in florida after all. I have no fall leaves or fresh pumpkins.
 With friends coming for dinner I would like to work a little fall into my table setting.
This is the dining room in our island home.
I will use my brown and white transfer ware, it should work well with the fall theme.  
For my birthday last year Roberta gave me this wonderful white pumpkin.
It will be the center of my arrangement. I do need some nature to go with my pumpkin, so I'll take a little walk out side.
 I found  some pretty green and maroon palm berries and some fishtail palm leaves. I think they will make a nice  base for my pumpkin.
 Now I will use  two of my white iron stone pitchers and place two daisy bouquets in them. Some cut palm berries will look nice  placed on the out side of the daisy bunches.
Earlier in the week I went into a dollar store and found these brown napkins with  pumpkin's embroidered on them. The small ceramic pumpkins were also purchased at the dollar store.
My table is set. The cost of this arrangement was sixteen dollars.
   $4.00 for eight napkins
 $6.00 for six pumpkins
          $6.00 for two daisy bouquets.
berries and palm leaves I found in my yard
You really don't have to stress over setting a pretty table. Anything goes, use your imagination.( Yes, you can.)
Open your cabinets and take a walk out side to create your next table arrangement.
 Don't forget to cheek out the dollar store you never know what treasures you may find.

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