Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Mac is my youngest child. He is in his senior year in collage at Savannah College of Art and Design. He loves S.C.A.D and is doing very well there, but that is his story to tell. I'm just the proud mom.
Mac was just home for a few days to pick up his new, old van.
I don't think I have ever seen him so happy about a vehicle. Mac has always wanted a van. Now he has a 17 year old Volkswagen Euro Van. He is one happy young man.
I had a couple of wonderful days of having my youngest home. We had some amazing talks.
 I loved playing mom again, chauffeur and laundress.
Mac's new,old van is now loaded and ready for a road trip.
Back to Savannah. It's always hard to watch him go.
Mac is a man who knows what he wants and is not afraid to work hard for it. He is happy in life.

My heart sings when they are happy.
 Aches when they are sad.
Today my heart is singing!

Side note.... A Ginny-Mac project is in the works.

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