Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Shell Seeker- Hunting for Conch Shells

Everyday is an adventure....
Toady's shell seeking adventure was full of laughs and surprises.
              "Shell Seeker" started her morning supplying a resting place for this snowy egret,
but that was only a moment and soon their were three ladies climbing aboard her,
 longing for a day of adventure.

This adventure required a little prep.
 and by prep, I mean I needed to tell my fellow adventurers a little bit about what to expect. 
This is how the story goes........ 
"As we arrive at our destination we will be pulling the boat up onto the beach, then we will get out of the boat. Please keep your eyes and ears open." Susan says,""What?""Well, the're wild boars here so we need to be careful not to walk up on one of them." Susan, "Really?" "Yes, but there are also great shells here so if we don't see any signs of the boars we will look around."
So Ginny(Mom),Susan and I start the hunt. This requires a little walk through the mangroves.
 Susan finds a few shells but we didn't stay at this spot very long. While hunting for shells we came upon wild boar prints in the sand as well as evidence of boring, sleeping and dung.
 It was time of move on to the next spot.
 Back into the boat we went.

On the way to the next spot I asked  the girls to please be careful. "Watch out for snakes,and sticker vines." Susan said laughing,"Ginny! Is there anything else you want to tell us?"
"Well...... When you pick up the shells hit them up against something because there could be a scorpion or ants in them." Susan, "OH GIN-NY!"
The next thing I knew there was my Mom deep in the mangroves,vines,marsh, etc.
She was picking up shells hitting them up against trees
saying, "I feel like I'm in the army. Oh, there, another shell! Look at that one it's huge!"
There is nothing like a shell hunt. Susan was all smiles.
I just started laughing.
There was my mother deep in the thick of things.
 Having the time of her life. I have the coolest mom in the world.
We all had a wonderful day of adventure shelling.
Enjoy life and all it has to offer.

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