Friday, June 17, 2011

Craft Day with Uncle Jeremy

Who new Uncle Jeremy was a crafter? 
Not me, as a matter of fact, I don't really think he knew.
Here is the story....
 One evening the family came over for dinner. We were sitting around talking when we all realized Uncle Jeremy and Avery were not around.
 Then all of the sudden we heard a roarrrr!
Yikes a monster!
Oh, it's Avery. We were all laughing while asking Avery who made the mask.
She said, " Uncle Jeremy, silly".
Where is Jeremy?
I walked down the hall and peeked in the studio and there was Jeremy hard at work
 with Avery working right beside him.  I asked Jeremy how he made the mask. He said," I remembered making snow flakes as a kid and I just stared folding and cutting paper."
So I said," Show me."
Take a piece of paper, fold it in half. Fold it in half again.
Jeremy said," Cut on the folds but be careful not to cut all of the fold."
 Unfold your paper and you have a mask. Punch a hole on each side of the mask.
Color your mask.
 Take a piece of yarn and tie it to each side of the mask.
Voila, you have a mask. 
Thanks, Uncle Jeremy!

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