Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Jewelry-A Beautiful Necklace with a Story

The Black Crow's Heart
Once open a time there was a very large black crow.
Mr.Crow loved every thing that sparkled.
 He would sit high up in the trees and wait for someone to 
drop a shiny something as they passed by.
One day a beautiful young girl walked by.
She had copper locks that flowed
 from the top of her head to the middle of her back.
She wore a strand of copper colored crystals
 that sparkled with blue in the sun light.
Mr. Crow saw the sparkle of the necklace and 
could not wait for it to drop.
 He said "I must have that NOW!"
So he quickly flew down from his tree.
With one fell swoop he grabbed the 
necklace from the young girl's neck,
 before she knew what was happening,
 off Mr. Crow flew with her necklace in his beak.
She fell to her knees in disbelief. 
Tears began to flow from her eyes to her cheeks.
Mr.Crow watched from the tree above and said,
"What have I done,oh what have I done?"
He was so full of remorse that tears welled up in his eyes.
The heart that once was hard now ached.
Slowly, he released the crystals from his beak 
and as they fell into the young girl's lap below,
 his heart began to feel something it had never felt before.
The young girl's tears turned to smiles.
As she looked up to thank Mr.Crow she saw 
a full heart and a sparkle in his eye. 
The Black Crow's Heart is a one of a kind necklace.
Mr.Crow is made of copper that has been acid etched,
 hand cut, drilled, hammered and
a small cubic zurconia has been placed in his eye. 
He has been antiqued and waxed.
Mr.Crow hangs from a beautiful strand of copper colored crystals.
The clasp for this necklace is a copper toggle
that looks like from a time piece.

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