Friday, December 16, 2011

A Locket Full of Gifts

We all have been given many gifts.
This locket shares those gifts
 and moments in time.
The front of this locket is beautiful with it's
hearts and flowers.
 A small piece of twine connects our love
 for life and all the gifts given.
As you open this locket you will get a hint
 of what could be inside.
 A small pewter rocking horse will beckon you inside.
Ah, it's a baby, perhaps one of God's
greatest gifts, a miracle!
The inside of this locket carries the message,
"People like you are a blessing".
As you turn this locket over
there is a quote from 
Rousseau that reads,
"Nothing makes so much impression on the heart...
as the voice of friendship."
Love, life, friendship,
all precious gifts.

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