Saturday, September 14, 2013

September Morning

I am awakened by the changing light 
in the sky.
My body rises as the sun does the same.
I am drawn to the morning quiet.
Slipping out my back door with camera in hand
I take my first shot. Then thinking, "I have time",
I slip back inside to make my first cup of Joe.
The smell of vanilla and the perking of the brown liquid
prompt me to start the frothing process.
A white creamy substance begins to form
 in the bottom of my cup.
Slowly I pour the fresh perked coffee inside my mug.
As I watch the foam rise I anticipate my first sip.
Gently I bring the mug to my lips, feeling the cool soft 
froth, I start to drink it in. Warmth then runs down
 my throat as I enjoy the comfort of my
 first cup of coffee. 
With coffee in hand I grab my camera and
 proceed out the back door once again.
I walk down a few steps and out to the end of my dock
where I have taken many pictures of sunrises before.
I look around, snap, stoop and snap another shot.
My heart starts to sing as I watch God's beauty unfold.
I find a comfortable spot to sit and stop.
With knees bent and my back resting against a piling
I relax and close my eyes for a moment.
A cool east breeze brushes my cheeks causing me to notice
the changing of the season. With my eyes still closed
I drink in the quiet sounds of morning.
 I listen and hear the deep throaty sound of a pelican's song
 and the hard pressed flap of his wings as he flies by.
My eyes pop open when I hear one of my favorite morning sounds.
Olly the Owl is giving me his sweet morning hello,
"Hoot, Hoo, Hoot, Hoo".
 I found myself snapping shots as the sun changed the sky.
Her beauty unending, 
I give thanks for the privilege to experience the quiet peace of morning.
As her warmth lights the sky
 birds of all shapes and sizes began to sing and play.
Quietly I listened and watched this perfect
peace at the opening of my day.
May God bless you with his perfect peace.

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