Sunday, January 26, 2014

A Whimiscal and Magical Place

There in front of me lay a bright white path
 captured by driftwood on either side.
 It was enticing my curiosity.
I had to follow this path and see...
Feeling the soft sand beneath my feet I slowly round
the lush green corner.
A larger sandy space.
An arrow pointing out, yet
a sign welcoming me in.
A whimsical little fellow said,
" Yes, do come in!"
I ventured in.
First seeing the charms that the fairies
had placed in the trees.
Beautifully placed stones guided me further
into this magical place.
  I walked slowly,
trying to take it all in.
Bright color shells in purple, pink and blue 
hung on driftwood fences wrapped with vines.
 With each step there came into view a new
sight or a new room.
Some rooms are partially closed with
sage green Spanish moss walls.
This fanciful room holds a
small tin. I am sure the fairies
left it here.
"Take anything you want but
leave something in return."

So it seems artists and visitors
are doing just that,

leaving little pieces for others
to enjoy.

As I rounded the next corner I found
a large mystical creature.
He had a very nice smile. 
He is a friend of the children
who come here and play.
They call him Chef Brian.

Chef Brian knows this place very well
and showed me the room with 
The Carving Tree.
He told  me a secret...
Shhhh don't tell.

Chef Brian holds the key
to this wonderfully magical

A very special thank you to all
who have made this wonderfully
magical place come alive.


  1. Thank you, Ginny. I'm very flattered that you like it. Keep coming back, because I intend to expand it!

  2. I will! I can not wait to see your artistic touch expanded. 😀 I am sure it will be wonderfully magical.
