Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rachels Brithday Scarf

Today is a big day for my daughter Rachel. Happy twenty fifth!!!!
 Wow how did that happen?
Rachel's freeform scarf is  knitted and crocheted. It's freeform, so there are no patterns or rules. Love it!!!!
This is a great project for scrap yarn. 
I used size 35 knitting needles and a size 13 crochet hook.
I'm sorry I did not take pictures while making this scarf. In the future I will blog a scarf like this in greater detail.
Last night I was walking around my yard with a headless mannequin and a crazy scarf around my neck. It's 90 degrees out. My neighbors must wonder about me.
I know I was wondering. There I was walking and moving about with my headless friend. I started smiling then I just laughed.
A few months ago I did not even know what a blog was. Now I'm so in to it I'm running around my yard with a headless mannequin.
Crazy? Who cares. I'm having fun I hope you are too. Have a happy day!
Side note...Happy Anniversary Colleen and Craig!

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