Thursday, August 26, 2010

Studio clean up

Two days ago I walked into my studio and backed out, Yikes!
I work in so many different mediums that sometimes things just get out of control. There was no way I was going to get any work done until I did some serous cleaning and organizing.
This is not the fun part of what I do. It is on the other hand very necessary. One can not function well in the midst of a hurricane. I had stuff everywhere, beads, yarn, purses,  jewelry, box's, books,etc.
I put my metalworking benches towards the front of the studio. They are set up in a triangle, jewelers bench, soldering table and work table.
The back half of my studio is where I do my beading as well as my mixed media projects. There is a little bit of everything here.
I tried very hard to work my fibers into this space, there is just not enough room. That will be a project for another day. For now.......
All the hard work has paid off. I now have a clean and organized space in which my creative juices can flow.

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