Saturday, August 28, 2010


Have you ever had a wonderful dinner party only to find your candles have dripped wax onto your table cloth?
    Don't panic,  I have a little tip for removing wax from a washable table cloth.

First you need to remove as much wax as you can from the table cloth.  Use your    finger nail  or a narrow flat surface to gently loosen the wax. You must be careful not to press the wax deeper into the cloth .
Once you loosen the wax, lift off as much of the wax as you can with your fingers. What can not be lifted with your fingers can be  vacuumed. Make sure to use a light touch while vacuuming.
Use your finger nail and scrape the remainder of the wax off of the table cloth. Spray OXI CLEAN on the remainder of the wax residue. Wash your table cloth in cold water,  then let it air dry. Your wax should be gone with no residue.
 Your table cloth is now ready for your next party.

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