Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Not just any ol' Scarf

How I love to create without a pattern. 
It is so rewarding to create something that comes out of your own head.
Today's creation is a scarf.
Before I start making any of my scarfs I first gather all my yarns.
 You may be saying, "big deal,"but this is very important if you want to make an original scarf. Almost anyone can knit or crochet a scarf. If you want something that looks new and up to date you really need to look for great yarns.
The first yarn in my selection is usually an art yarn. 
I like these yarns for their color and texture, they also have a lot of character. 
Sometimes I use art yarn that I have spun. Today, I used a yarn spun by an artist friend, Debra. 
Deb has wonderful "scrumptious" yarns at her shop www.picassosmoonyarn.com 
I used eleven different kinds of yarn in this scarf.
 Starting with the art yarn I first selected, I looked for other yarns that coordinate with it. I like to use thick and thin yarns as well as yarns with different textures.
This scarf was made to be worn close to the neck but it can also be worn long.
Here are some close ups of this beautiful scarf.
Here you can see the knitting, crocheting and knotting.You can also see all the different textures.
There are fourteen crocheted flowers on this scarf.
This is my scarf, an original, one of a kind.
 You can make an original scarf too. If you know how to knit and crochet you can make an original scarf.
 Try it, what do you have to lose?