Sunday, May 1, 2011

Butterflies in Love-Gulf Fritillary's

 Five years ago I added butterfly plants to my garden. 
Every year more and more butterflies come to visit. They come and drink the nectar from their special host flower and lay their eggs on their caterpillar's favorite food source.
The caterpillars then form their chrysalis and after a couple of days, out comes the butterfly.
Today was an amazing day in the butterfly garden. 
There had to be at least fifty butterflies flying around.
 The Gulf Fritillary's seemed to be having the most fun.
 This is something you do not see every day, 
butterflies in love.
I sat in the middle of my garden snapping photo's of these beautiful flyers.
They did not seem to mind that I was there.  
First there were two fritillary's, 
then there were three.
Love was in the air
more and more fritillary's flew into the gathering
they all....... came together. 
Then one by one they flew away.
until there was only one Fritillary
left drinking the nectar of the porter weed.

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