Thursday, May 5, 2011

Butterfly Cuff- Carol's Garden

Carol's Garden
Carol's Garden is a commissioned piece.
It is so nice when I can sit with a client and visit with them for a while.
During my visit with Carol I learned that she has a garden and that she likes butterflies. 
 While I sat and listened to Carol she talked about the flowers in her garden 
and how the butterflies seemed to really be attracted to her purple flowers.
The cuff design for this client came quickly.
 This cuff would say more about the flowers than the butterfly.
This is how Carol's cuff come to be...
Sterling silver was acid etched, the base of the cuff was cut out,
 then tiny vines and 32 leaves were cut out of the base.
The flowers were cut out and stamped and/or hammered.
The butterfly was cut out.
Then the cuff was gently hammered into the shape of a cuff. 
Once that is done the soldiering began, first came the large flower, then the butterfly, then the smaller flowers and last but not least the bezels.
Polishing came next.
 I like a darker finish in my work so I added a little color, then more polishing.
The last step in this process is setting  the stones, and one last polish.
Carol's Garden is sterling silver it has one large flower and three small flowers.
It has thirty-two cut out leaves, a acid etched butterfly and three amethyst cabochons.
Carol's Garden came in a special little box
 with the name of the cuff placed on the inside lid.
It was a pleasure working with Bill and Carol.
 Thank you for the inspiration.
Happy Birthday Carol.

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