Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tips and Tools- Antique Wooden Box's

We all need storage in our studios.
Some of my favorite storage tools are antique tool boxes, an old wooden egg holder,
 and a long narrow box that may have once sat in an antique trunk.
All of these boxes fit very nicely underneath one of my work tables.
This long narrow box has one divider in the middle of it
all of my glues fit very nicely in this box.
When I need a glue I just pull out the glue box and pick the glue
that I need for the project I am working on.
This old tool box has eleven dividers and works 
well for holding soldering guns and related supplies.
This box has a handle so it is easily carried from place to place. 
In my past life I raised chickens. I found this sweet little 
antique egg box in a closet when we moved.
 The dividers are small so it 
is the perfect box for my punches and craft scissors.
My favorite storage box is an antique tool box.
 One side holds my inks and pads while the other side works wonderfully for my stamps.
 There is a small shelf for the smaller stamps
 and the larger space under it is perfect for my larger stamps.   
There is always a use for a well made wooden box
especially in a studio.
Have a great week!

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