Wednesday, August 24, 2011

American Empire Mirror - Refurbish

Below you will see a picture of an American Empire Mirror
Circa 1800's
Normally I would not change the finish on an antique mirror.
However the finish on this mirror is very dull and probably not original.
 I would like it to fit into my decor
 therefore I will need to brighten up the finish. 
First I must tell you this is not an easy project.
You will need time, patience and a light hand.
If I have not already scared you off here is the how to.
Liquid Leaf Classic Gold
a box of small foam paint brushes
Light hands, small amounts of paint,
 (dip and blot your brush onto a nonporous surface)
Take small sections at a time.
 You will not be able to go back over your paint.
Are you ready?
Starting at the corner of your mirror.
 Dip your sponge brush into your paint, blot and lightly brush over your motif.
( you want to hit the high points and leave the lows dark.)
This will give your mirror depth and keep the antique look.
Now go around your motif with your brush. You do not want any paint lines.
Take your brush and gently pat and rub (use a light circular motion)
Continue going around your your mirror taking small section at a time.
 You need your brush to be dry and soft so change it often.
The  top of this picture is the new gold
 the bottom of the picture is the old gold.
This is what your finish should look like.
When you are patting and lightly rubbing the paint you are taking some of
 the brightness out of the gold and giving your  finish more of a velvet look.
My mirror is now finished and hanging.
 I found this project to be well worth the effort.
I hope you will too.
If you find you would rather have someone do this for you email me
at I would love to help.

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