Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nature Box Necklace

What do you do when a client asks you for something
 you have not yet made?
It's a challenge and I always love a challenge.
So I say MAKE IT!
(At the least try.)
Several months ago a friend needed a crab for article 
she was doing so I made her this box.
 I had never made a glass box but I had this little crab....
Long story, any way I posted this crab necklace and a client saw it
 and asked me to make her one, but more organic with no shells.
I think she had more confidence in me than I had in myself.
Remembering the crab box and what was involved
 I was not real sure I could do it again.
I did it!
Then I made a second nature box, 
this one with a butterfly.
I love butterfly's.
You can view nature from three glass sides
of these necklace's.
There is clear glass on the top of the necklace
 for a view from above.
To give these sweet little Nature Boxes a little depth
 I have placed colorful paper in the background.
After making two of these necklace's
I was inspired to make more. 
I wanted to see if I could work a little
faster and improve my craftsmanship.
What's that old saying?
"Practice makes perfect."
Like I always say,
" If you don't try you will never know".

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