Sunday, July 22, 2012

Calling all Teachers,Moms,Crafters and Kids-Lets Play!

Today I would like to show you how
to make a game with things you most likely
already have in your home.
The purpose of this game is to help children become
 comfortable with letters and to have fun spelling.
This is a hands on approach to spelling.
Teach the ones you love with letters, 
pictures and numbers. This game starts out simple 
and grows harder as your children grow older.
An old scrabble game
Pictures from old cards or magazines,
 a sheet of heavy card stock paper,
paint and paint brushes,
letter stamps and black ink or a black marker,
scissors and spray adhesive,
a box or bag for your letters,
and a box for your game. 
Lets get started!
First we will paint our wooden trays
with some bright colors.
( Kids love color and we want them to be drawn in.)
 I used green,yellow,blue and pink.
While your paint is drying start looking for
pictures. Start with simple pictures with
 three and four letter words like car, dog, cat etc.
(As your children learn these words you can add
more words to your game.)
Cut out your pictures.
Now take your card stock and spray it with your
adhesive spray. Stick your pictures onto your
paper, cut out your pictures.
Your pictures are all cut out. Now lets stamp or 
write the words on the back of the pictures.
Lets play!
There are many ways to play this game.
My granddaughter Avery and I will show you 
how we play this game.
First place all your letters face up on the table.
Game one: Lets spell out our ABC's
This can be played with one or more people
as your children get older it can become a race 
to see who can spell out there ABC's first.
Game two:
Place all the pictures in the box.
One person selects a picture. They try to spell
the word. If they can not spell the word they
turn the picture over and spell the word by looking
 at the letters on the back of the picture.
Game three: Lets add!
After the word has been spelled out a child may want to
add the numbers that appear on the letters,
so have a pen and paper handy.
Avery loves to add so we turned the spelling game 
into an addition game.
If the letter had a three on it we took three of the letters and
placed them in a row. Avery would write the number three
on her paper. Then she placed a + sign next to her three.
The next letter had a one on it. Avery placed a wooden letter
close to the other three letters. Then she wrote the number one
next to her + sign. Avery placed an = sign on her paper.
Now it was time to add all the letters together.
She counted, three + one = four.
Avery then wrote the number 4 on her paper.
Avery really enjoyed spelling and doing
 the addition at the same time.
Game Four:
 Each person draws a picture one at a time from the box
 and spells out their word.
The person with the most points at the end of the game 
Game Five:
Spelling words,
Why not use this game to learn spelling words.
Make spelling fun!
( you may need to add more letters as the spelling
words get harder.)
Make up your own game. Have fun and make sure 
your kids are enjoying the game, as soon as
they get tired stop and play again later.
The whole purpose is fun with letters, no stress.
Name this game.
Send me your name idea to 
The winner will receive one of these games.
I will select a winner Aug.1, 2012
(This game came about because I learn by touch maybe
your child does too.)

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