Thursday, July 19, 2012

One Man's Dream Another's Pleasure

Recently Jay and I spent a few days 
in upstate New York.
We love when we have a little time,
  extra time, in a new place to explore.
A drive to no where specific is always
fun and insightful. 
While driving up in the mountains on a curvy road,
enjoying every new scene, we were constantly surprised. 
 Jay and I both gasped as this field of Redwood Driftwood
appeared out of no where.
 Nature is a huge part of me and to see
these magnificent pieces, 
I was overcome.
I walked from one form to another in awe.
Each one of these pieces spoke.
 I am telling you I felt as if I was in
 God's Museum of Art.
To give you an idea of just how large these
pieces of driftwood are,
Jay is standing next to one of the smaller pieces.
 This is the largest piece.
As I am snapping photos Jay spots a sign
that explains what these wonderful pieces are
and how they got here.
It Reads,

Remnants of the 1860-1930 logging era Shaped by natural
forces over 100 years.

In early years the trees were uprooted as they
were logged from millennia old virgin forest.
When it was realized that new trees sprouted 
from left in the ground roots, the practice was
 discontinued. Once plentiful along the beaches
and rivers of northern California, most of these
water and insect resistant roots have been
milled into beautifully colored lumber and
furniture, and the beaches closed to further
removal. This display is a 35 year collection.
One man had a vision.
 He saved these wonderful pieces of Redwood Driftwood.
Then he some how moved them all the way from the 
West coast to the East coast.
Because he cared about pursuing 
something he was passionate about I 
have had the joy of not only taking photos
of these magnificent pieces,
but I could touch them!
Just a simple little car ride,
placed us in one man's dream that 
has become an amazing reality.

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