Monday, April 1, 2013

Family Craft - Avery's Fort

Three generations gathered
together for Easter Weekend
on Useppa Island.
We all had an amazing time
with lots of fun activities.
Everyone took part in the building
 of Avery's Fort.
Avery's Fort evolved throughout the day.
It started with Grandma Ginny
watching Baby Jude as Gigi (me)
gathered the large boxes that she had
been saving for the purpose of building a fort.
While Jude crawled around, Gigi taped boxes together
to form three rooms.
Grandpa Jim showed up with his trusty
pocket knife and cut out little windows.
The windows were decorated with curtains and a road was
built for Jude to drive his cars on.
Jude was not too sure about the windows, 
but he did love crawling in and out of the boxes
 and rolling his cars on the roads
inside of the fort.
Before we knew it,
 it was nap time for baby Jude.
While Grandma Ginny,
 Grandpa Jim and Gigi were away.....
Jeremy, Josh, Rachel, Felicia, Avery and Jay
arrived on the seen.
 The rest of us had no idea what they were up to,
until we hard voices calling," Oh Gigi, Grandma 
Ginny, Grandpa Jim come see the fort!" 
What do you think Miss Avery has in mind?
Oh yes, she was very clever. 
After all there are NO BOY'S 
allowed, except Baby Jude.
Always remember....
You are never to young or to
old to have fun building and 
 playing in a fort.

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