Sunday, March 24, 2013

Dressing Marionette Puppets

The long awaited dressing of our marionette puppets
are finally here.
Are you ready?
Start with a paper bag
and cut out a pattern for your puppet 
Cut out your fabric and sew your
Jane and I used scrap fabric
and old clothes for our puppet costumes. 
We even used an old sweater 
that has worked very well 
for our knights armor.
Guinevere is wearing a faux fur 
cloak and a beautiful rhinestone crown.
Lancelot is really for any opponent.
He is dressed in his armor and helmet.
Gwen and Lance
Merlin is ready to cast spells
with his mystical charm.
Oh Arthur, Beware! 
Guinevere and Lancelot seem to be
getting very friendly.

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