Monday, May 6, 2013

Art Birds

My most recent passion has
become making these wonderful nature 
inspired Art Birds.
I have been so inspired by
  watching and studying birds as they play and work.
If I am fortunate enough to have camera in hand
 I will snap a shot or two of my sightings.
Then I will go home and sketch the bird
 that has inspired me that day. 
From that sketch will come several drawings that will
eventually become a specific bird pattern.
Vintage ties and repurposed
clothing and material are gathered.
Seams are ripped out and all are pressed
for cutting.
Each beak is sculpted and painted and set aside.
With needle in hand the fabric sculpting begins.
This a a labor of love and the excitement builds 
 as each of these birds come to life.
Some of these birds have hand wrapped wire
feet. This is yet another time eater but
I really want each bird to be special, original
and one of a kind.
 There are many wonderful 
sources out in the world today for our bird's eyes.
 However I want my birds to have a folk and slightly primitive.
  The use of beads opens up thousands of opportunities
for my birds to look out at the world.
 Each bird tells a story. 
What do you see?
"I am searching, waiting, resting, 
perplexed, I would stop and sing but I'm very busy" 
and so much more.
 These wonderful Art Birds are now
available in my Etsy shop.
 Stop by and take a look.

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