Thursday, May 30, 2013

Orange in Bloom on Useppa

This is a bright and cheerful time on Useppa.
The trees, shrubs and flowers
are all screaming to be seen.
Join me as I help these beautiful flowering
plants show off the color orange.

The Royal Poinciana
 has an average height of 40 feet tall
with a 50 foot spread.

There flowers appear in May and last until midsummer.
This tree's average life is at least 50 years.
As you walk the Island of Useppa
you will see these magnifcant trees showing off
there bright orange blooms.
Geiger Tree
Average Size: 20 feet tall by 15 feet wide
Best Color: Summer and Fall
A favorite of both the
hummingbirds and the butterflies.
Ixora Nora Grant
Blanket Flower
one of Florida's many wild flowers.
Everything seems to be smiling orange today.
Have a Wonderful Day!

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