Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Craft Day-Mosacis

I have always had the desire to try my hand at mosaic.
 For one reason or another I have never gotten around to trying it.
This weekend Winky Merrill, a mosaic artist, offered to teach a class in mosaics.
There were three of us in the class. Karen C., Karen K., and me.
 We were all excited about learning a new craft.
Winky started the class with this example of a shell mosaic.
 We were all amazed and inspired. 
Each of us started by sketching a drawing of what we would like our mosaic to look like. 
We all chose a different media to work with. This worked out wonderfully because we were all able to see how different media looked and we learned what backing and glues, puddies etc. we would need to use for each one. 
Karen C. used stained glass on wood.
Karen K. used broken pottery on creteboard.
I used smalti on a ceramic tile.
It was so much fun working with these small pieces of glass.
 Working out the colors, sizes and placement.
As my fish began to come alive I felt a new addiction coming to the surface.
 I found myself relaxing as I focused on each cut and each placement of glass. I  not only enjoyed learning something new, I truly enjoyed the craft.
This weekend was wonderful, great friends enjoying each other, sitting on a porch that looked onto turquoise water, learning something new.
Here is my finished mosaic fish trivet.
Your never to young, old or educated to learn something new.

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