Sunday, March 20, 2011

Crochet- Flower Pin

Every day offers up new challenges and new creations.
 Todays creation is a crocheted flower pin.
I showed this scarf to you a few blogs ago.
 It was purchased for a wonderful lady for her Birthday. She did love this scarf,Yea! 
 When she put it on she was having a hard time keeping the scarf together around her neck.
 That is when I came up with the idea 
of making a matching flower pin to go with the scarf.
This pin is crocheted.
 I used nine different yarns that were also used in the scarf.
If you find yourself making a crocheted flower pin.
 You can use it as a bow on a package.
"A gift before opening a gift."
 That can be worn as a pin later.
So there it is one flower pin with four purposes.
A bow for a gift,
 A pin to be warn by itself,
A closer for a scarf,
 but most importantly, it made a wonderful women smile.

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