Thursday, March 3, 2011

Removing Candle Wax - Tip

We just had a wonderful evening with friends.
 With dinner and stories being told, memories have been made.
Jay and I have said goodbye to our friends, the table has been cleared and the dishes are done.
A littel candle light is always nice in the evening and tonight they where burning brightly, adding a little warmth to the evening. Later I found they had left their wax on my wood table. 
What is one to do?
This is when that old gift card comes in very handy.
I hold the card with my thumb placed on top of the card and the other fingers below the card.
 Gently I move the card forward under the wax.
The wax then begins to loosen and I can pop it up.
Now that all the wax is loose I can remove it from the table.
No more wax on my table.

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