Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tips and Tools-Make a New Statue or a Repair Look Old

Not to long ago I showed you how to repair a damaged statue.
 Today I would like to share with you how to make your repair look old.
For this project you will need:
a paint brush, buttermilk and a bowl
Pour your buttermilk into your bowl. 
Paint the buttermilk onto the part off the statue where you would like mold and algae to grow.
 Place your statue in a shady spot and let nature do the rest.
 In a few weeks mold and algae will start to grow on your statue. 
 This does take some time so be patient. 
 I was having a hard time getting anything to grow on one of the legs I had repaired on my statue.
 Until one day I found my miniature longhair dachshund having the time of his life
 licking the buttermilk off the little lamb's leg. I laughed and smiled saying to myself," No wonder"!
  Then I reapplied  buttermilk to my statue and made sure the dog was not around. 
If you find that there are some places on your statue that are not growing mold or algae just reapply the buttermilk and give nature a little more time.

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