Wednesday, September 14, 2011

For the Love of Nature

Why am I such a nature lover?
I always thought it was just something within me.
I guess I'm a little slow.
I mean really, how often do I go to my Mom and Dad's house?
At least once a week.
Okay, remember this mirror. 
 I made it for my Mom and Dad's porch.
 The same porch I sit on and enjoy a visit and a cup of coffee.
The porch were I have always admired
 Mom's fabulous display of shells.
This is a huge basket full of shells.
 What I love about this basket is how she 
has displayed her shells.
The larger shells house collections of smaller shells.
Very clever, don't you think?
Buried in this wonderful basket of shells are two large horseshoe crabs.
Mom left just enough of the horseshoe crabs showing to peak your interest.
Yesterday I was at Mom's house
 and it hit me....
I was looking all around her house.
Snapping pictures off all her nature displays.
All the while my Mom is saying," I really love nature."
I'm standing there with a smile and laughing inside,
"Really! So this is where I get my love of nature".
Here is my studio nature stash
 just waiting for my next project.
Thank's to my nature loving Mom who instilled in me 
a love for the wonderful world around me..

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