Friday, September 16, 2011

Four New Nature Box Necklaces

Four new Nature Box Necklaces.
These necklaces are definitely conversation pieces.
All of these glass boxes are original.
 They are soldered on both the inside
as well as the outside of the box.
They measure three inches tall and one inch wide.
This is the" Oak Leave and Acorn" Box.
View from the side.
View from the top.

I love this glass box. The backdrop has a retro fill
with colors of pale blue a slight hint of purple
and an outlined flower in black.
Inside this box I have captured a wasp.
He is sitting on an oak branch. The 
fungus blends in with the backdrop.
The view from the top of this box.
This glass nature box has a pussy willow inside.
Sitting just below and above the pussy willow
 there sits two seed pods  
just waiting for a light breeze to spread their seeds.
Looking down.
Now you have to smile or even laugh when you see this guy.
He is trying so hard to blend in.
 Can you see the preying mantis hiding in plain sight?
Isn't he cute?
If you find yourself intrigued
 and want something a little whimsical.
One of these necklace's are perfect for you.

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