Thursday, October 20, 2011

Breast Cancer-Butterfly Cuff

All things pink.
Pink ribbons, pink shirts and pink arm bands.
October is breast cancer month.
 October is the time when we honor and educate
women, men and their families,
and support those who are battling
Breast Cancer.
This is my take on pink...
A sterling silver cuff that has been etched,
 heated, pounded, manipulated, cut, sanded,
stone set, dipped and polished.
For every step I imagined what my friends
 and loved ones have gone through and are going through.
My dear friends this cuff has been made in honor of you.
  Sweet little flowers with pink quartz centers saying,
"We may look fragile but we are strong."
The beautifully etched cuff,
"Scared maybe but powerful"
The brass butterfly representing,
"New Day, New Dawn,
Flying Free!"
The name of this cuff is Dear.
In honor of all of you my dear dear friends
and my mother-in-law who was affectionally called,

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