Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fire Hydrant Redo

There once was an old fire hydrant that sat on an island
unnoticed and unused.
One day an artist came along and give it a look and painted
it with wonderful colors and purple poke-a-dots.
 People would spot it and smile even stop and talk for a while.
 As time took its toll 
the old fire hydrant began to rust.
What once was noticed had become hidden once again.
Until one day a  girl came along and saw 
this old fire hydrant needed a little face lift. 
She began to think.
 "If the originall artist were here what would she paint?"
So keeping the original color pallet of the artist before,
the girl began to paint. 
It was a challange not to copy the artist before but yet
keep part of her there.
Now as people pass by they will see an old fire
hydrant looking new as it peeks through the bushes.
Mixing the old with the new
 our fire hydrant is now in plain veiw. 
If you look real close you may find a face
 among all the colorful poke-a-dots.
As you walk down the pink path take a look around, 
see the colorful fire hydrant and give it a smile as I am sure
the original artist is looking down.

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