Thursday, December 29, 2011

"Morning Has Broken"

On this cool, crisp December morning while snug in my bed,
 I opened my eyes and was
 greeted by a magnificent sunrise.
I jumped out of bed and grabbed my new camera
and hurried out the door.
There is a time just before the sun comes up that the sky
If you were standing next to me 
you would feel a cool breeze blowing across
 your face as you listen to the sounds of peace.
The sky is lighting up every thing around me and the reflections
remind me of this amazing year.
As we leave 2011 may we remember all that is good and right
 in our lives and our world and share that light with
Have fun this week as you bring in the New Year.
Be careful my friends and please don't drink and drive.
I will see you next year! 

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