Saturday, December 31, 2011

Useppa Nine Wicket Croquet

It was a beautiful day yesterday
 as residents and friends
 all gathered on the white sandy beaches of Useppa Island
 for the annual Nine Wicket Croquet Tournament.
Everyone had a wonderful time
competing for the honor of being the reigning Useppa
Island Nine Wicket Champs.
As the players give each game their best
Their fans watched and spurred them on.
Two young fans sat high in the Banyan tree as they cheered
  their brother on.
While other fans watched from their golf carts.

After each game is played a team member will report
 their win to the score keeper.
The scores are all in with one game remaining.
"Tell us Paul, who will be in the last game of the day?"
Peggy and Troy versus Mike and Mike
The game begins!
This was a very evenly matched and intense game that
ended in a shoot off.
Peggy wins the game with her
yellow ball being the closest to the wicket.
The new reigning Champs are.....
Peggy and Troy

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