Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Jewelry-Memory Necklaces

I love capturing moments.
 Today I will show you one of the ways in which I do just that.
Whether it is a wedding, birthday, graduation, anniversary
 or the birth of a baby,
we all enjoy sharing and looking back on those special moments.
Colleen is a very good friend that has recently
 become the proud grandmother of a sweet little girl.
This is such a wonderful, fun and exciting time in life.
I became so excited at her news that I asked if she had any
shower invitations that I could borrow.
I promised that I
would return them unharmed.
Such a wonderful friend-Grammy Colleen.
She gave me her invitations
 and did not even ask why I wanted them
or what I was going to do with them.
 You would have thought I was the grandma
if you could have seen how excited I was when
I received baby Emmy's announcement.
I could not wait to turn these cute
 invitations and announcements into a necklace for Collen.
Three glass charms celebrate the coming and the birth of
sweet little Emmy.
The longest charm is 1"x 3", the middle charm is 11/2''x 11/2"
and the smallest charm is 1"x 1".
This was a fun project for me.
Happy grand mothering Colleen!
If you would like me to capture
one of your special moments it would be my pleasure.
Just send me an email at


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