Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fun with Photos

Playing with Photoshop
Let's see what I can do with this photo.
First I will crop this photo.
Then I will remove the streaks that are standing
 out in the middle of the photo.
Now I can play with the levels, hue, saturation and color.
This is the photo I played with before I removed
the streaks from the center of the photo.
Although I like the color, the white mark in the center
 of the photo is very distracting.
The photo below looks much better with the
 streaks removed.
Here again I like the look of the photo but I have 
streaks that are distracting to the eye.
Demonstrating the importance of examining the 
original photo and fixing the distracting points before
playing with the image.
It is amazing what you can do with one photo.
Have fun playing with your photo's.

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