Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mac's Copper and Leather Sketch Book

Today is my son Mac's birthday day.
Happy Birthday Mac!
Mac is a very talented artist and
 like most artists he always has a sketch book
 and pen with him. 
(Always being prepared for that moment of inspiration.)
I became inspired just thinking of an artist's book.
This is how Mac's book came to be, it all started with
that single thought. Then my imagination took hold.
What would it look like?
How would it represent Mac?
How was I going to make it?
As artists we are always making things for others,
 just as I am doing now.
 I wanted this to be a book
that Mac would want to keep. 
A place for smiles, encouragement, enjoyment and 
I started with a blank sheet of copper
that had been pressed.This will give me the perfect
 wood-like backdrop for Mac's book.
I measured, cut, drilled, sanded and then fastened
everything together with hinges, bolts and screws.
 I added gears and a lock
 and then antiqued everything.
This is Mac's book, 
so the spine of the book cover says
I made a leather book that fits inside
 the copper book cover. It is full of watercolor paper.
To my artist son from your loving mother,
May all your hopes and dreams come true.
I love you always and forever!

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