Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursdays Thought

Just a Thought.
I was once asked. 
If you were in a burning building and could only 
take one possession, what would that be?
Through out my life I have thought
 back on this question.
My answer is always the same.
It is old, it is warn,
 my hands have turned every page,
 my eyes have read every word.
 It has been through marriages,
births and deaths. 
It has held me up, lifted me up,
though it's pages are warn and some even torn,
  it stands the test of time.
The impression of my hands formed the outer shell,
as it's words are 
 molding to my soul.

1 comment:

  1. Ginnie=

    Love this post and love that book...I agree that is what I would take out of a burning is the only thing that lasts.

    Your friend- Aimee
