Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Craft Day - Halloween Coconut Pumpkins

Halloween Coconut Pumpkins,
that's right!
When you live on an island
you learn to use what you have
to make what you need or want.
 I really wanted some cute little pumpkins 
for my front entry.
I had no pumpkins but I had a lot of coconuts.
So I gathered my supplies and made these
cute little coconut halloween pumpkins.
 Do you want to give it a try?
Lets get started......
Gather some coconuts. I prefer to use the inside
of the coconut ( the nut) because they already have the
start of a face.
That is such a cute face,
 it just makes me want to smile.
(You can use the whole coconut if you prefer.)
For the rest of the supplies you will need:
A drill, three screws,
 orange (I used red, yellow and a splash of brown), 
black, red and off white acrylic paint,
paint brushes,
acrylic clear coat spray and a piece of driftwood.
Start by mixing up some orange acrylic paint.
Then paint your coconuts and let them dry.
Once they are dry give then another coat of orange paint.
Time to place your coconuts on your driftwood.
This is where your pumpkins will gather.
You will need a drill and three screws.
Set your orange coconuts on your driftwood.
Once you know where you want them to be placed.
Insert a screw into the backside of your driftwood
up into your coconut. 
Do this until all of your coconuts are in place.
Gather your paints and brushes 
and start painting your faces on your pumpkins.
Paint "Boo" on your driftwood. Let all your paint dry
then spray your Halloween Coconut Pumpkins
with a clear acrylic spray.
Happy Halloween!

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