Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesdays Tips and Tools - Website Marketing Terms

Good morning,
 Todays Tips and Tools are
 website marketing terms. 
I have been learning a new language in these 
past few months, as I have been building
 my e-commerce store.
I hope you find these few terms helpful.


E-commerce or E-shop - is an on line store, a 
place were you can buy products on the internet

Alt - The text used in HTML and XHTML
 documents to specify text for an image on a web page.

HTML -  Hyper Text Markup Language
This is the main markup language for displaying web
pages and other information that can be displayed in 
your web browser.

SEO -  Search Engine Optimization
It's purpose is to optimize your website so that the major 
search engines rank your site as highly as possible, which
 in turn, leads to greater volume of qualified traffic.

URL - Uniform Resource Locator also called
Website Domain or Domain - 
This is your website name or your host name.
It allows your website visitors to find and return to 
your web page easily.


These are just a few of the many website marketing
terms. I have written them very simply.
 There are many website dictionaries 
with more in depth discriptions. 
I found the website marketing glossary
 very helpful on the "Brick Marketing" website.

Have a wonderful day and never be afraid to learn 
something new.

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