Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Craft Day - Decoupage Hand

Not just any hand,
 it's a 
Helping Hand!
In my home nothing is safe from
 a possible art project or craft day.
Yesterday I was working, getting ready
 for my upcoming Trunk Show.
I was starting to get a little stressed.
The answer for stress.... a little art therapy.
That is when I looked over at my jewelry 
display hand and well, this is what happened.
Out came an old book, sponge brush
and the decoupage glue.
I began to tear pages from the old book.
Then I tore those pages into 
smaller pieces.
 I painted a small amount of decoupage glue onto the hand. 
Then I painted my glue onto a small piece of paper
 and placed that piece of paper onto the hand.
 Then I painted glue where I had just placed the paper.
I continued this process until the hand was covered
with words.
Super cool right? 
I finished the bottom of the hand with a piece of felt.
I traced the shape of the bottom of the hand
and cut out the shape.
Then I glued that felt piece onto the bottom of the hand.
So many possibilities!
 A Hand!
All of this to say,
Thank you heavenly father for my

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