Friday, November 9, 2012

Craft Day - Coconut Turkey

It is another coconut craft day,
just in time for Thanksgiving.
Lets make a coconut Turkey!
You will need:
 two coconuts (one large, one small),
wood glue, hammer, two small nails,
a drill and large drill bit, scissors or clippers,
 paint and paint brush.
Oh yes, for the feathers you will need an
old palm nut branch like the one below.
Start with your two coconuts.
nail your small coconut  to the
front of your large coconut.
I placed a small piece of seaweed
under the face of my small coconut
for the turkey beard.
Take your palm branch and start
cutting pieces off of it to use as feathers.
Now its time to drill holes for your feathers.
Drill your holes in the backside of your 
large coconut.
You will need about three rows of holes.
Alternate the spacing of your holes. 
Paint your coconut to look like a turkey.
Okay don't panic. We are having fun here,
if I can do this so can you.
Now your painting is finished. 
Let's add the turkey feathers. 
Place a small amount 
of wood glue into your drilled holes.
Work your small branches into each hole.
Trim your feathers with your scissors or clippers.
Spray your coconut Turkey 
with a little lacquer.
 Your Turkey is now ready to greet all 
of your Thanksgiving guests.

Happy Thanksgiving! 

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