Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Crafting - Painting Shells and Sand Dollars

We enjoyed all the family
events and visits at the close of 
summer vacation.
While the Anderson's were in Florida  
we found a little time for crafting.
Our first crafting event was at
Uncle Bob's and Aunt Linda's beach house.
Uncle Bob set us all up with chairs 
and a bench to paint on. 
He supplied us with brushes, acrylic paints, paper towels,
water and most importantly the sand dollars.
We all gently grabbed a sand dollar and started to paint.
My brother Sam enjoyed painting several sand dollars.
Sammy had fun painting her sand dollar.
 Matt's painting's were so good that Mom and I 
asked him to paint us one.
He generously painted us both one.
 I cannot wait to hang it on my Christmas tree this year.
It will be a reminder of this special time with family.
Later in the week while on Useppa
the paints and brushes came out again.
This time we painted clam shells.
We started with a base coat of acrylic paint 
on the inside of the shell.
Then we decorated the inside of our shells.
I used a pen to write words on the inside of my shell.
Once our shells were finished we sprayed
them with acrylic spray.
These clam shells can be used for anything,
a jewelry holder, appetizer dish, butter pat,
tea bag rest let your imagination led you.
Kirsten's will be following her off to college.
Just a little reminder of our Florida sun.

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