Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sketching with Avery

While I have been very busy doing a lot
of different things I noticed that
have neglected my blog.
 I apologise for the summer lag.
I will be adding something new
 to my blog this week.
It will be called Sketching with Avery.
Avery is my six year old granddaughter.
She loves to draw and I am trying to become
more comfortable with drawing and impove on my
drawing skills. 
While visiting my son Mac in Seattle,
 I found this book called 712 more things to draw.
Each page of the book prompts Avery and I to draw
a picture like the ones above, (an envelope or a monocle).
I was pretty impressed that Avery new what a monocle was.
She drew it beautifully, don't you think?
We are both enjoying this creative time together,
doing something we both enjoy.
This is my sketch of a tomato paperweight.
Avery drew an ascot.
I am enjoying
seeing things through Avery's eyes.
Stay tuned for more Sketching with Avery!

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