Saturday, February 8, 2014

Tips and Tools - Coralling the Studio Chaos - Day Two - Boxes

I have such a wonderfully peaceful feeling when I walk 
into my studio and everything is clean and organized.
Today I would like to share with you some of the things 
I use to organize my main studio.
One of my favorite pastimes is to go antiquing and junking.
 I love the feeling of going back in time as I rummage through
 things once loved and cherished. 
When I walk through a yard sale, junk store,
or an antique mall wonderful treasures of the past jump out at me.
Some of these treasures are wooden boxes.
The boxes that I have collected can be as large as a cabinet
 or as small as a pill box. 
The Primitive cabinet above works very well
for housing things I need but don't necessary
want to see.
The boxes I bring home are not always perfect.
They are often worn and scarred by time
bringing that old world charm to my studio.
This hand carved box has six dividers and
 works very well  holding some of my glitters.
I use to have a lot of small plastic containers in my 
studio. (We use what we have, right.)
The plastic boxes and containers worked but they just were not 
what I wanted my studio to look like or feel like.
While walking through a Goodwill store one day I noticed
several old wooden jewelry boxes. 
I bought them,
 brought them home, and they worked perfectly
for all the tiny findings I use for my jewelry.
The wooden cigar box is another favorite box of mine.
This antique "step back" cupboard has open shelves
and is the perfect place for some of my boxes.
I enjoy having easy access to so many of the 
small items that I work with.
This vintage sewing box has a lot of
separate compartments. It works well for holding
my tags and cards.
Other boxes that work well in the studio are
old crates. They can be turned on their sides
 making cubbies for all kinds of things.
With a board placed on top of these crates I can then 
place my old tool boxes on top of the crates.
This antique tool box holds my stamps and inks.
The typesetter drawers are perfect for corralling things
like keys, game pieces, charms and beads. 
These two boxes are the newest additions to my studio.
The bottom cabinet is an antique
library card filing cabinet.
Now it is filling old typewriter pieces.
This five drawer box below is an antique drug store
label box.
The drawers of this box are the prefect size for all my 
tiny screws, bolts, springs, hinges, screw eyes and more. 
Well, that is all for today.
Tomorrow I will share some things
 you may have not thought of to use in a studio.


  1. Wow....I love all your boxes. Thank you for sharing all your ideas. I have a scrapbook room full, and I'm always looking for organization ideas. :)
