Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Moves

Hello my friends.
Wow, it has been a while since my last post.
Time does have a way of flying by.
( My grandson Jude on our new property.)
My husband and I have been
 going through a lot of changes in the last 9 months.
 These changes have taken up most of our time and energy. 
In Aug. a piece of land came up for sale that we have drooled over for
many years. 
We had to decided whether or not to buy it.
 If we did it would mean many changes in our lives.
We went for it. We bought the land.
 Sold our beach house in 4 weeks and our Condo in 4 days.
We were blessed and very grateful that they both sold so fast.
However it did mean a lot of work.
We packed up our things,
said good-buy to wonderful friends
and an island we love 
but with promises of returning in the future in our new boat.
As we packed up the condo and put most of our things
into storage we said good - buy to our home in the sky
and the magnificent sunsets.
One of the hardest parts of the move was saying good buy to 
my studio. 
I moved two studio spaces into one temporary space.
It was quite a job cleaning this old warehouse.
However I will never look a gift horse in the mouth.
After mouths of cleaning and organizing 
 I now have a wonderful
 Sharing this space with my daughter Rachel is 
an extra bonus.
I have all the space I could ask for.
I was able to set up five studios into one space,
it really is nice.
Life is good.
Really good!
As my husband and I wait for the permitting to go through
for the building of our new home we are bringing home
our new boat. We bought it in Essex Ct. and are bringing it all the way to 
the West Coast of Fl.
My husband and I are blogging our trip.
  I am taking the photos, Jay is writing.
If you would like to follow
For the next month I will be posting 
nature pics on Connecting Pieces
 as my husband and I make our way home.
Enjoy the ride.

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